Happiness goals countdown

Increasing the world’s happiness quotient

one resolution at a time

Happiness Goal #8: Compliment Someone Every Day

Become a Happiness Champion. Join the Happiness Goals Countdown at LifeCoachHub.com.

The Happiness Goals Countdown continues today with insights about giving compliments. You know how happy you feel when you get a compliment. But have you thought about how good you feel when you give a compliment?

It’s really a two-way street for both giver and receiver. Christie Matheson in her book The Art of the Compliment clearly states that making another person feel good with a compliment makes you feel good too. She adds that it’s important to be sincere. Don’t just say nice things, hoping to feel good.

With this happiness goal you will create a genuine moment of happiness every day.

Dr. Raj Raghunathan writing for Psychology Today in 2012 explained that those who give compliments gain emotional benefits. They enhance their well-being. Giving a compliment makes people feel generous. They feel happier about themselves because their compliment lifted another person’s self esteem.

Psychologist Meredith Fuller reinforced this point, stating that giving someone praise makes people feel good because they are adding to someone’s sense of self.

Paying someone a compliment every day is an example of a sustaining goal (see our goals and happiness infographic which explains the difference between sustaining and draining goals). Your compliments build relationships. They will make people feel appreciated. Goals that produce results like these sustain you and increase happiness.

Don’t let chances to give a compliment slip away. It’s easy to be shy or busy and not say anything. So use today’s Happiness Goal to put compliments on your agenda. Say something nice and sincere to someone every day. Your happiness will go up as will the good feelings of those around you.

Stay tuned for the next Happiness Goal. The countdown continues with an important goal about your happiness and the natural world .

Artist: François Boucher