Article If you're facing retirement and wondering how to make the most of it, learn how a coach can help. 0 2013 Life coaching Retirement coaching life coaching Lifecoachhub Pty Ltd LifeCoachHub

Retirement Coaching: Three Common Issues in Retirement

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development retirement, coaching, time management, social life, financial management, freedom

Shoot for the stars in your retirement. Find out how coaching can make your new life infinitely more interesting.

Retirement can be a wonderful opportunity to lead a life free of work. It can also be overwhelming when you realize that your life will change dramatically. Sometimes, even the best planned retirement can hit road bumps when the reality sinks in.

You don't have to go through this period alone, you can choose to work with a retirement coach who can help you adjust and get the most from this wonderful period of life. You've worked hard all your life, don't you deserve to enjoy and appreciate not working?

When people ask us about retirement coaching, they're often puzzled by the concept – particularly if they are a way off from retiring. It can be hard to appreciate how big a life change stopping work can be for many people. Here are a few issues we've found that retirees face:


 This is far common than you'd believe, many of us enjoy our work, we enjoy contributing and enjoy the challenges. When we stop working, it can be hard to decide what to do with our time. Some retirees are at a loss when it comes to choosing their future. A retirement coach can help you work through this, by helping you articulate your values and priorities, you can then move forward by using your free time to make you happy.



Even if you have a wonderful pension, no mortgage and plenty of savings, retirement can bring about a fall in income. If you aren't so lucky, then the change can be even more problematic. In this instance a coach may be able to help you work through your financial priorities, so that you understand what's really important or essential to you and how to budget so that you achieve it.


Work isn't just somewhere we go for money. It's also somewhere we go for companionship and shared interests. Many people find this to be one of the biggest challenges of retirement – developing new social spheres so that they can continue to enjoy the company of others. Developing the confidence to meet new people and deciding where to go to find these people can be difficult especially if you're a little shy. By talking your needs through with a coach, you can develop an action plan to get out and about and build new connections.

Retirement should be about you and how you will continue to grow and appreciate your new freedoms. Coaching enables you to find solutions inside yourself that allow you to do this. Change is often a little scary, and it can really help to talk through your fears and also your hopes and dreams so that you focus on the positives.


Why not take the first step today? Let me know below what concerns you have about retirement and how you think a coach might be able to help you address them.

Photo Credit : Christopher Dick


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