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Improving Team Productivity

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development motivation, team spirit, team building, team building coaching
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Motivate your teams

Every team suffers from periods of low productivity or low morale. Here are three steps that can help motivate teams. 

  1. Include team members in decision-making. Team members who are part of the decision-making process and feel that their opinions are valued are more likely to feel motivated to achieve success as they have part ownership in the decisions and goals that have been agreed to.
  2. Reward success. When your team or an individual team member excels at a specific task, ensure that you give them public recognition whether it is an acknowledgement during a team meeting or an email sent to senior management. It will make your team will feel valued and motivated to do even better.
  3. Listen to your team's concerns and act. Really actively listen to the concerns of your team members and find ways to alleviate the challenges they face, and if possible take on board their solutions and suggestions. If you ignore or dismiss their concerns, it can result in them feeling undervalued and reduce their performance.

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