lifecoach $745 USD Emma Northcott Emma Northcott  With me you’ll learn how to stick two fingers up to your anxiety.
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Emma Northcott

CBT Anxiety Coach  
Whitemoor, England, United Kingdom

 With me you’ll learn how to stick two fingers up to your anxiety.

Life coach Anxiety Coach

FEES from $80 USD to $745 USD for coaching packages. more...

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About me

I spent 90% of my adulthood thinking I was “mentally ill”.

in 2001 my grandfather died, he was my rock, he understood me fully (because I always felt like a round peg trying to fit into a square whole) and he was my fill in father figure during the times my dad was working away. He lived next door to use, so we where always in and out of each others houses.

I was there when he died, in his home,when his soul left his body and it was like part of me left as well. A couple of days after his funeral, I attempted ending my own life and ended up in a psychiatric ward. This is where they diagnosed me as being clinically depressed.

When I was allowed home to be with my son, I was placed under the care of a psychologist. Everything made sense what he was saying but made no change on my life at all.

From here on in, I was up high a happy for long periods of time and then dropped into a large pit of despair for even longer periods of time. I was given medication upon medication and I saw so many different psychologists and therapists I lost count. But nothing helped this yo yo of happy, sad, happy, sad, happy, sad.

During this time I am trying to hold down a full time job, keep a roof over my sons head while bringing him up alone. I felt completely alone, even though I had a loving family.

Then other things starting happening within my body, that I had no clue what they where. I thought this it, I am going to die, I am going to leave my son motherless. I called an ambulance and they informed me I was having a panic attack and everything will OK when it passes. This was the first of many panic attacks that where to come.

So now, I am regularly falling into a black pit, my body makes me feel like I am going to die. But its OK, I just had a “mental illness”.

A few years had gone by living life as an emotional wreck. My son accidentally set fire to his bedroom after playing with a lighter. (I know bad mum moment)

From there on in my body was now playing even more new tricks with me, feeling so ill when I went to leave the house, worried like hell that something would happen to me or our home when we went out side. The only way I could leave the house was to check every plug socket was off and if I broke my routine I had to start again. Then there was the front door, lock the door, walk to the car, walk back to the front door check its locked, walk back to the car and repeat, repeat until my head was satisfied that I had locked the house up.

It drove my son crazy, but It was the only way to survive.

Over time more and more triggers came to light, such as running out of fuel in my car, walking into a crowded place etc..

I use to scream out the universe I AM GOING MAD.

This went on for years and years. Medicated, not medicated, medicated then not medicated. Feeling OK one minute and the feeling like I am going to die the next.

Fast forward several years, I am married with three children. I have a husband that does not understand mental health and neither of us can carry on in the toxic relationship we had created.

I new I had to heal myself after all we heal from other illness why not mental health illness.

This where my journey of recovery began! With the help of a lovely lady, who at the time was a complete stranger, just someone who commented on a post, “Can I message you?.” I gained the confidence to learn who I truly was and it didn’t matter that I didn’t fit in (like I felt all my childhood) because I was individual. With this confidence I started learning as much as I could about depression, anxiety, panic attacks.

I even built enough confidence to train as a reflexologist in 2017, which just sparked in me the passion, to learn more about my brain, my mind and how it all connects to the rest of my body. I listened to podcasts, read blogs, listened to audio books and signed up to every course I could get my hands on.

While learning all this stuff, I was so determined to heal, that I tried everything they suggested.

The most important thing I learnt was, I did not have a “mental illness” because depression, anxiety, panic attacks is not an illness. It’s just NEGATIVE EMOTIONS that I was allowing to control my body.

As I sit here in 2019 I can hold my head with pride and say I have come out of the other side. My emotions are balanced (no longer taking medications) and under control because I have learnt how to control them. Yes there are still things I am working on and yes there is still a tone of stuff I need to learn about myself and about depression, anxiety and panic attacks.

But I know the truth about who I am, where I am going and how to control my thought patterns, breaking the cycle I was living for so many years.

I used to think I couldn’t coach, guide or inspire others because I had my own baggage and inner shit to work on. Now I realize that my mental mess, is my message in this world.   

Coaching with me


Anxiety is a mind-fuck-field. I am sorry to have to tell you there is no magic pill or 5 step strategy when it comes to anxiety. Really sorry to pop that bubble.

Here at Wabi-Sabi Therapy, you’ll learn how to stick two fingers up to your anxiety.

Consider this “personal development” tailored to your anxious mind. No need for perfection or fluffy words that dance around everything.

What you will get from me is pure, honest raw, sometimes funny, vulgar approach to anxiety.

Not to put my name in lights or give my self a gold star on the walk of fame, but if I had known this shit back in 2001 when my anxiety hit me like a missile, I would of been jumping up and down with excitement and dancing around my kitchen.

Not because it’s revolutionary or I have discovered the missing atom or discovered a new formula to life.  Because it’s practical and relatable. The focus is on getting better ASAP without dancing around the camp fire chatting to the gods.


You’ve Googled it all, read the books, listened to the podcasts, watched all of YouTube, tried a little voodoo, and possibly spoke to a few therapists.

But for some reason, your anxiety still triumphs. And you’re terrified this will always be the way?

The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way.

The bad news is that your expectations and desire for complete freedom might actually be making things worse. Although that’s actually good news because it’s an easy fix—once you are willing to confront it.

More good news is that I have helped numerous women drastically improve their relationship with anxiety. And therefore, their quality of life. Because I once suffered immensely too.

None of this is rocket science. It just feels like rocket science when you try to go it alone.

Without proper guidance and support from someone who can help you identify the root cause and establish an action plan to change everything for the better, you might as well be trying to construct that rocket yourself.

However, with the proper guidance, support, and accountability—you’ll be ready for blast off in no time.

Anxiety, panic attacks, and depression had complete control of my life for 13 years. There was A LOT of trial and error.

You name it. I tried it: professional help, seminars, and courses.

The list goes on.

Eventually, I began to understand the psychology behind this and found myself helping others. And because I took the scenic route and made all the mistakes, I can take you on the expressway ensuring you don’t make the same mistakes I did.

Unfortunately, society is constructed in such a way that it makes it near impossible to get your life back until you understand your environment (both internal and external) so you can do something about it. And that’s just the beginning of the work we will do together.

• Understand your mind and anxiety on a deep level so you can make decisions that are right for you?

• Give way more of a shit about things that matter to you, and less of a shit about things that don’t?

• Get out there and start living the life you’re supposed to be living?

• Experience greater confidence as your belief begins to trump your doubts?

• Build a life based on your values?

• Explore your limiting beliefs and fears so you can begin to dismiss them?

• Get to the root of your anxiety and tackle it from there for lasting transformation?

• Finally do something and commit to a life where you no longer let anxiety hold you back?

If you answered yes to the above questions, you’ve come to the right place.

My teaching is equally intuitive as it is strategic. We will interrupt your patterns, re-design your beliefs, and work on implementing a bulletproof plan, so you no longer see your anxiety as a barrier to your life, and instead use it as a catalyst for a greater life. A far less anxious one.

This is a relationship built on trust. You can think of me as your ultimate support system. One that will get you where you need to be light years faster than if you decide to try and figure it out on your own.

If you feel this is everything you’re looking for, then schedule a FREE No BS Anxiety Coaching 45-min call.

This session will give you a taste of what coaching is like with me while making sure we’re a good fit. We’ll get to know each other, and you can ask all the questions you have about the process.

If we’re a good fit and you decide you want to proceed, we’ll discuss your payment options as well as putting a start date in the book to kick things of ASAP.



No BS Anxiety Coaching  (60 minute One-on-One coaching)

This is a minimum of a 3 month commitment which includes;

  • 8 (60 minute one-on-one coaching)

  • Personalized action plan

  • Unlimited Email / WhatsApp support (during the 3 months)


No BS Anxiety Coaching (completely online for your own convince)

This is a minimum of 3 months commitment which includes;

  • Personalised action plan

  • Daily accountability for taking action to reduce and remove Anxiety symptoms

  • Coping strategies for how to calm down in the moment, particularly when you're having a panic attack.

  • Someone to talk to who's been there and UNDERSTANDS HOW YOU FEEL

  • Lastly some smiles - I have been known to tell the odd joke or fun story

Short courses or group coaching

My online coaching programs are packs everything I wish someone taught me 13 years ago with full lifetime access for your convenience. You can literally save yourself years of life and thousands of wasted pounds as a result. What more could you want?

These programs are created by a recovering anxious person to ensure others suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, and the associated depression no longer have to waste years of their life agonizing for a cure that doesn't exist.

You already have the cure because you are the cure. All you need is a little guidance and support to help you better understand yourself so you can address it at the core and implement the tools that will aid you in greatly reducing anxiety in your life. That doesn't sound so bad, right?

We all know stress causes disease. And knowing that causes more stress. All of this becomes a vicious cycle that appears to be never-ending.

But it can and will end. You just need to disrupt your current thought patterns.

These program takes a hybrid approach to help you drastically improve your relationship with anxiety and improve your overall health so you can get out there and start living your best life.

You're already in the midst of what will probably be the most daunting challenge you'll ever face.

I could put forward an argument that climbing Everest would be easier, and you wouldn't do that alone, so why would you do this alone?

With the right support, you'll be shocked by just how quickly you can turn your life around.

I'm going to make it as easy for you as I possibly can, but I need you with me. And I need you to trust me when I tell you that if you sit with this and hope for it to go away, it will only get worse.

There is no shame in any of this. It's normal.

It took me a very long and painful years to figure this stuff out. Most of the help I received was useless because I never had the luxury of sitting down with someone who understood what I was going through.

I was never told what anxiety was, why it had taken over my life, and what I could do to get my life back.

These programs will provide you with the tools and support required to completely transform your relationship with anxiety.

I’ve read hundreds of books, taken dozens of courses, and made almost every mistake imaginable as I amassed a whole lot of wisdom on one of the most crippling conditions we face in society today.

As Gandhi said...

“Knowledge gained through experience is far superior and many times more useful than bookish knowledge."

These programs will teach you all the good stuff, and you'll have my support every step of the way. Each program is designed for you to complete in your own time, the recommended time for each program is two months, but you’ll begin to feel better immediately.

Due to my experience and all I've learned, I'm now on a mission to help as many people as I possibly can from a life torn apart due to anxiety.

I guarantee if you commit just one hour a day over the next two months, you will experience a significant improvement to your anxiety. And if you continue to do the work, you'll begin to experience magic you might not think is possible right now.

I know an hour a day over two months might sound like a lot, but it's only a blink of an eye when you compare it to the time you stand to lose. And you'll begin to feel better much sooner than that.

Now's the time to do the work. To experience real freedom from anxiety—you have to change your relationship with it.

These programs are only for those committed to changing their relationship with anxiety and doing the work.

These programs are for you, if you want:

  • To simplify your recovery.

  • Full support from someone who's been through it all and successfully helped many people before transform their relationship with anxiety.

  • A private community of like-minded individuals supporting each other.

  • Accountability.

  • A safe environment to do the work.

  • A greater understanding of your anxiety and where it comes from.

  • Tools to forgive and move forward with your life.

  • A better understanding of your emotions.

  • Tools to better manage and control your emotions and stress levels.
    I've made all the mistakes for you. And I learned all my lessons the hard way. It cost me thousands of pounds and years of life to figure this stuff out.

You don't have to make the same mistakes I did. These programs will ensure it, and in doing so, significantly reduce your anxiety and improve your quality of life.

It's that simple. And it comes with no-risk because if you don't consider this to be a good investment, I'll refund you all your money. No questions asked.

Experience, Certifications and Training

  • Life Coaching Practitioner Diploma
  • Mindfulness Practitioner
  • CBT Practitioner
  • NLP Master Practitioner
  • CBT Fundamentals
  • NLP Practitioner
  • Living My Own Life With Anxiety

I hid so much of  my debilitating and exhausting anxiety, panic attacks and depression. I was in a constant state of chaos mind, body and soul… 24/7. I really thought this was just how my life is going to be from now on. I considered myself to be weak, fearful of everything in life (even going food shopping), with devastating low self worth.

Being completely honest I thought I was a complete NUT JOB!


So just like you. I have googled it all, read the books, listened to the podcasts, watched all of YouTube, tried a little voodoo, and spoke to a few therapists. (Actually a lot of therapists)

But for some reason, My anxiety still triumphed, My anxiety kept winning every which way I turned.

I worked out the secret  formula.

I finally came to a realization that I had been my own road block for my entire life.

I could finally see where I went wrong and I discovered EXACTLY what I needed to do to get it RIGHT!

Wherever you go, whatever you do, the mind travels with you.

Unfortunately, anxiety doesn’t just disappear.

I waited years for this to happen, but it just got worse.



Fee description

Fees: from $80 USD to $745 USD

My online programs / courses start from £80 up to £200

My private coaching & online coaching is £745 in total or a deposit of £245 and 2 payments of £250


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