lifecoach $300 USD Noel Rosencranz Noel Rosencranz From entrepreneurs and organizations, to leaders and individuals, I help my clients increase the sca
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Noel Rosencranz

Los Angeles, California, United States
From entrepreneurs and organizations, to leaders and individuals, I help my clients increase the sca
Life coach Business coach

FEES from $100 USD to $300 USD for coaching packages. more...

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About me

From entrepreneurs and organizations, to leaders and individuals, I help my clients increase the scale and impact of their work in the world. Through strategic planning and self-awareness, my clients experience growth along many lines, leading to sustained success in their careers and interpersonal lives. 

I perform bi-weekly with the award-winning Consenting Adults improv team. I believe humor can be a vehicle for bringing lightness, understanding, and joy to people’s challenges and lives.

I’ve done one 5-minute stand up comedy set. Never done it again. Retired at the top. 

Some other semi-relevant factors about me: I have subpar to mediocre-at-best Karaoke skills (my mom is the ONLY person who said I was good). I was a chess prodigy at age five. I’m an ordained minister and have been a Best Man six times (currently accepting applications). And there was a time in 7th grade where I wore exclusively sweatpants, sweatshirts and Reebok pumps, had 20 pounds of baby fat and refused to get hair cuts. Good thing I never had an awkward phase.

Coaching with me


I help my clients become more powerful and effective leaders, develop more efficient and higher performing teams, and navigate more effectively through challenges. You'll learn to develop new awareness and behaviors to increase fulfillment at work, home, and in your relationships. Receive guided support as you engage in more effective ways to communicate, relate and problem solve. Speak with greater confidence and comfort. Increase the impact of your actions.


I use multiple techniques while coaching, but one of my main approaches comes down to ACT.

Awareness – Discover the true source of the problem, feeling or obstacle (often what we think it is, isn’t actually the issue). Uncover the insecurities, patterns or behavior that are preventing you from higher performance.

Commitment – Make the decision to change. Commit to doing the work by adopting more effective mindsets, having honest and sometimes uncomfortable conversations with yourself and others, and learning how to see problems as opportunities.

Transformation – Breakthrough the behaviors, limiting beliefs, and insecurities that hold you back through action, accountability and feedback. Create your life powerfully and the way you want - without needing permission or acceptance.




I offer accountability, pragmatic thinking and intuitive guidance to help you reach greater levels of confidence, contentment, and clarity in your life. Together we will create an environment for self-discovery, in which we can address your concerns, problems and fears, and design a practical game plan to achieve results.

Through coaching you will be able to see your life from a new perspective, which helps you understand the nature of your challenges and your innate capacity to overcome them. Our lives are a collection of smaller choices (conscious and unconscious), that in the aggregate make us who we are. Becoming aware of those choices empowers you to make new decisions, that can transform your life and allow you to become who you want to be.

Having founded, run and sold a company, I integrate business experience with emotional intelligence to help entrepreneurs understand the nature of their problems, identify how to solve them and unlock new growth opportunities.

I also believe that work can and should be fun. With this in mind, I promise to make you laugh at least once per session. But no more than once. :)

My coaching helps business owners and organizations solve a wide range of challenges across finance, sales, marketing, operations, communication, team management and leadership.

Short courses or group coaching

I offer experiential team-building corporate trainings designed to engage your team in a research based, dynamic learning environment. They will learn vital strategies, skills and concepts that will help them excel at work and in their personal lives. These vibrant and fun trainings inspire teams and teach people how find more meaning and connection in their work and in life. 

Your team will gain:

New skills for leadership, public speaking, sales, communication and emotional intelligence

Tools for enhancing your creativity, connection and conflict resolution

Team building and increased morale

Dynamic, fun, and interactive teaching methods

Learn how to be comfortable outside your comfort zone

Be challenged in a way that accelerates your growth


Fee description

Fees: from $100 USD to $300 USD

Please contact for pricing. 


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