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Should I hire a friend or family member?

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development hiring, the entrepreneur circle, business owner

Should I hire a friend or family member?

It’s always our goal, whether it’s with our clients, with this show, or any other content we put out, to provide you with useful, practical stuff you can apply right away to improve your business. Today is no different. We’re going to discuss with you a question we’ve gotten a million times. Should I hire a friend or family member? Identifying the right candidate to hire is a frequent topic brought up in coaching sessions and roundtable meetings by clients of The Entrepreneur Circle. It’s an uncomfortable topic, and business owners usually just want to get it done in the shortest most painless way available. Initially, it may seem like a good idea to hire someone you know. In this video we will share some of the pitfalls to making such a decision.

Things to pay attention to:

  • - We tend to put a lot of trust in friends/family. Maybe more than we should
  • - We probably don’t vet friends/family the way we should. We may be tempted to shortcut our process.
  • - We may let them slide more, at least for a while. Harder to express concerns, or correct behaviors - Reluctant to fire
  • - We often fail to set clear expectations and stick to them
  • - Puts the relationship at risk




  • fgfunnels

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