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Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development Time, motivated, health, life, passion, living

Get Rid of Bad Habits and Change Thinking

Time for a change

My entire life I have spent mostly….in a hurry! Starting with when I need to spring out of bed in time for work, church or to aunt Martha's for family pictures. I am always rushing!

So why exactly is it that we make it to dinner parties, concerts, Christmas events on time? In many instances, we are even early to these events! But it’s then an act of Congress to be on time for our obligations.

The glaring difference is that parties and such are generally more interesting to us. This is why it is easy to be on time because we actually want to be there. People do what they want...

  • If we don't want to go to class or work, we are more likely to be late
  • When our heart isn't in it or just don’t enjoy it, we are likely to slow down or cause delays
  • Not going to bed early - because we want to do more things - causes us to be grouchy in the morning

Despite knowing that we are going to be late, we still repeat this process because we simply do not enjoy this task.


Changing your attitude

Statistics show that it takes 21 days to break a habit. When you think about it, 21 days is only 3 weeks. In just 3 weeks, you can completely change your attitude & way of thinking.

Changing your attitude doesn’t mean that you work and try for a while, reach your goals and "job well done." Self-improvement means having to work on all areas of your life and maintaining that.

Permanent change

  • We cannot grumble at how uncomfortable this new change is
  • During bad days or dreadful times, we should focus on the positivie things instead
  • We should embrace both the good/fun times as well as the not so fun times
  • We should make the most of our time


  • Are you constantly in a rush?
  • Do you ever stop to enjoy God’s creation, or the beauty in our everyday surroundings?

Time: we can't have it back, once gone, it’s gone forever. Every minute of our day and lives are spent in some fashion, which can make us either a time-maximizer or a time-waster.

We can’t get rid of our bad habits until we change our thinking!


I encourage you to take necessary steps to change your thinking, break negative habits, or simply make better use of your time. The best day to start anything is today!

21 days from now, you will be able to reach a new horizon! What do you have to lose? Contact me today for a free consultation and have the most productive day!

Four words to live by: Change thinking, change life


Contact me





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