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When Your Ex Has Lost All Feelings for You

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development Win Your Ex Back, Fallen Out of Love, Painful breakup

When Your Ex Has Lost All Feelings for You

No Contact after a breakup works but no contact can be confusing when heartbreak has you feeling lost and in a panic. Especially when the person you love has fallen out of love with you. "My ex seems to have forgotten who I am. It feels like they don't remember what we had, how much we loved each other or how great we were together. We were happy. We have so many great memories and had so many incredible plans for the future." How many of those thoughts have you had after a breakup? The breakup is hard enough when it comes to losing the person you love, but feeling like the feelings of love, warmth, and connection can make the breakup so much worse. It's not only painful - it's illogical and makes you feel like you're not only having your heart broken but as if you're losing your mind. The pain and shock of the person who loves you suddenly not loving you can create a compulsion to understand and make sense of the agony you're in while going through a painful breakup. This video describes what to do and how to respond to your ex when they don't love you anymore or when it seems like they've lost all feelings that you know were so strong not so long ago.





  • fgfunnels

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