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Happiness and your smile

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development health coaching, image coaching, happiness, smiling, interpersonal skills

A great smile will help you get more positive feedback from the people that you interact with throughout the day.

A bright, happy, positive outlook can be very beneficial for you. Some have claimed that happy people are healthier, but happiness can do even more for you. People are drawn to those who are happy; almost everyone seems to prefer people who are happy.

A sunny disposition can give you a leg up in a job interview. It could help you win over a persnickety client. An upbeat attitude could even charm a potential mate.

Lots of popular wisdom exists that you could become happier simply by smiling, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Here are two tips about smiling to help you be sincerely happier.


If you fake a smile, you probably won’t feel any happier. You most like won’t look any happier either to most people. You won’t be thinking happy thoughts; you’ll be thinking about how strained and uncomfortable your face feels. When you force that fake smile, others will most likely see that your smile isn’t genuine. Others probably will notice your strained facial muscles, and they will most likely see that you are only smiling with your lips and not your eyes, something that’s almost impossible to fake.



If you want to be happier, think about things that make you happy. It seems people genuinely want to be in a better mood, but usually when people want to be happy, they keep thinking about the things that make them unhappy.

When you want to be in a better mood, think of things that make you smile. Call up memories of happy times, people you love, and things that you are looking forward to. Thinking about things that have made you feel warm, positive feelings in the past will give you warm, positive feelings in the now.


Happiness and smiling are definitely related, but not in the way which people normally think. You smile because you are happy not because you wish to be happy. Think about things that really, truly make you happy, and they are almost certain to make you feel a bit sunnier and more upbeat.

Photo Credit : Artotem


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