Article Learn the top 7 habits of happy people you can apply to your life starting today. 3 2013 Life coaching Wellness coaching life coaching Lifecoachhub Pty Ltd LifeCoachHub

Top 7 habits of happy people

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Learn the top 7 habits of happy people and you'll find yourself smiling more.

Ever wonder why some people are always smiling, bustling with positive energy and full of life? These people are truly content in their lives. So what is it that makes them so happy? Let’s take a look at some of the common habits of people who are happy.


Shifting focus from bad to good can really bring about a change in your perspective towards life and inspire everything you do or say. Focusing on the good refers to looking at the brighter side of life. We all have bitter memories and difficult relationships but when we stop complaining, and start to see the better side of it, it makes us happier.



There are certain things you can change in your life but sometimes you have absolutely no control over what is happening. Happy people have learnt through experience that changing what you can and accepting what you can’t is a better choice than fighting to win a battle that you have already lost.


Happy people always have a very strong social support system. They are not blessed with the best people and the best relationships, but they try to make the best out of every relationship and invest their time and energy in to people.

Many of us would rather watch a movie than go for a walk with a friend or parent. Watching a movie is good for entertainment, but a hearty laugh with a friend or a heart to hear conversation with your mother will stay in your memory for longer than you think. And these little joys of life are the perfect ‘happiness moments’.


Most of us think that happy people are always kind. But, actually it is the other way around. People who are kind to others are always happy. The ‘random acts of kindness’ campaigns are a hit today, because it has made people realize that they can be so much happier when they make someone else smile or happy.

This is the same when it comes to giving. You don’t give because you have a lot; you have a lot because you give. It’s a cycle, the more you give, and the more comes back to you.


Work satisfaction is one of the hottest topics in the workplace today. Most people work in specific jobs because they want to become rich, or famous or ‘happy’.

Work satisfaction, or rather, lets say, life satisfaction cannot be gained unless you know that you are doing something that you find meaningful. Taking the turn from ambitious to meaningful has been the secret towards happiness for many people.


There is no better feeling in this world than the feeling of being grateful. The happiest people alive today are the ones who have the attitude of gratitude. They practically say thank you for everything they have in their live. Because, when you count your blessings, you begin to value what you have, and what else, but this is happiness.


Does silence make you feel at peace? Then you have to try meditation. Research studies have proven that people who are at peace with themselves and others around them tend to be happier. Mediation helps to keep stress away, improves immunity and concentration, and reduces pain.

Meditating regularly will bring you closer to yourself and you will be able to identify your feelings and thoughts, which in turn will make you peaceful and happy.


Which one of these top 7 tips of happy people can you follow today? Let me know below!

Photo Credit : jessleecuizon


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  • Melanie c
    May 09, 2013

    This is a fantastic article. To answer your question coach, I think the simplest 2 tips that I can undertake today are gratitude and focus on the good. Negative people are not going to magically turn happy all of a sudden. It takes a very positive mind and need for change in order for that to happen. More people should read your article!

  • Vivian Abbot
    May 12, 2013

    Dear Melanie, I concur. Being grateful for all that you have in life will undoubtedly make you a happier and more joyous person. When you look at the state of world and realize how much worse others have it, you can't help but feel silly for harping on all you 'first world problems'.

  • Edward harris
    May 22, 2013

    This is a great article it really breaks down the basic steps of living a fulfilled life. I am a firm believer behind all of these steps but to me the most important one and the hardest one is meditation. I find that I am a totally different person when I have dedicated time everyday to my practice. I get some of my best insights on my life and coaching practice while deep in meditation. To anyone reading this article, if you have not already, put forth a good amount of energy into creating a mediation habit and feel the difference. Thx for the great post!


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