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Three Tips for Improving your Self esteem

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development positive self esteem, feelings of self-worth, improving your self esteem, life coaching

Self Esteem can blossom under the right conditions.

Even the most seemingly self-confident people occasionally struggle with self esteem. There are a lot of factors that come together to give someone feelings of self-worth, and many of these influences come from the outside world. How other people treat you and get along with you is often a big determinant of self esteem, but to truly build positive self esteem, you should not rely on other people when it comes to creating a solid sense of self-confidence.

There are lots of things you can do to bolster your self esteem, and many of these have nothing to do with other people. When it comes to growing self esteem, it is all about you. The following are just three tips for improving your self esteem that you should try today.


A lot of the time, low self esteem comes from a feeling of lack. If you fixate on things you think are missing, you will start to feel incomplete, creating a feeling of low self-worth. Instead, to create positive self esteem you should focus on things that you do have in your life and be thankful for them. You should write down at least ten things every morning that you are thankful for in a gratitude journal, and you may want to jot down ten more things at night too. You don’t have to just give thanks for big things; be grateful for little things like a good night of sleep or a sunny day. This will help to create a feeling of abundance and richness, and it is a great step in improving your self esteem.



If you compare yourself to others, you may create that feeling of lack which will lead to a deficit in self esteem. You are your own person and there is no one else exactly like you. When you try to compare yourself to another unique individual, you may start to think you don’t measure up. You are your own person, as are they, so to compare the two of you can be like comparing oranges and bananas. Sure, both bananas and oranges are fruit, but they are different as can be. An orange will never have the flavor of a banana, but that doesn’t mean the orange isn’t as good.


It seems simple enough, but telling yourself that you are an awesome, self-assured individual can do a lot to help you build self esteem. Feelings of self-worth can grow by saying affirmations. Tell yourself each and every day that you are a great person with fantastic qualities, reminding yourself that you have all the confidence in the world. There are a lot of different types of affirmations; you need to pick ones that work for you or write your own. You can say these affirmations during meditation or in front of the mirror as you get ready to start your day. No matter how you do it, affirmations designed to lift your self esteem help you take great strides to genuinely improved self-confidence.


There are a lot of things you can do to bolster your self esteem, and these three tips for improving your self esteem are just the start. By taking these steps and recognizing that you are your own special, unique, and valuable person, you are on the right track to fostering legitimately positive self esteem and genuine feelings of self-worth.  

Photo Credit : aussiegall


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