QuickTip If you need to start 2023 with new changes, here are the top 5 things to focus on. 0 2023 Life coaching https://www.lifecoachhub.com/img/uploads/quick_tips/thumbs/920_1674808227.jpg Motivational coaching life coaching Lifecoachhub Pty Ltd LifeCoachHub
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5 Self Care Goals for the New Year (from a Motivational Coach)

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development life coach, happiness, new year, goals, planning, new mindset, stress factors
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The mind is everything. What you think, you become. Buddha Coaching Quote

Can 2023 be a great year? 

Are you looking forward to having a new year full of positive changes, and the ability to increase self-care, commitment, and happiness?

Here are the 5 Things to Focus on 2023

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#1 New Mindset 

Start with a new mindset and identify the goals you want to reach. Give yourself a moment to clear your mind for a fresh start.

Every new year we all have a list of new year resolutions that will create great momentum in our lives. Taking the first step in committing yourself to have a new mindset and life change will guide you to where you want to be.

#2 Stress Factors 

Get a pen, paper, and time to list all the items that are stressful. You want to be truthful and list everything.

We all have different stress factors in our lives that hold us back from accomplishing our goals or taking on new adventures. Writing everything down allows us to see our day to day in a different perspective. This process will allow you to see what can be removed or replaced to increase your time.

#3 Happiness

Envision what your happiness will look like after removing your stress factors. Write down what you see and how it feels to get there.

Close your eyes and clear your mind to prepare for this process. Take your time to envision what your future self would look like. How do you want your life to be after you journey through life transformation? As mentioned in step two, write it down to keep your visualization as a reminder.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney Coaching Quote

#4 Planning

Start planning. How will you get to where you want to be. What are you planning to do.

All our goals should come with a plan to have the ability and reach successfully. You want to get each goal and determine the current status, the process and future status. Identify routines and structure that will allow you to obtain your goals.

#5 Life Coach

Hire a life coach to hold you accountable and be the external support that you need to accomplish your goals.

A life coach will provide you guidance in focusing on your future self. They will keep you focused on your goals and identify all your capabilities. They will assist you in creating awareness and developing tools that will assist you to reach measurable results.

Self-care goals for new year

Take the next step to happiness and accomplishment.

Adriana Duran

Motivational Coach

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