QuickTip When responding to situations, check in with yourself from time to time. Are you coming from a positive place? 0 2014 Life coaching https://www.lifecoachhub.com/img/ Communication coaching life coaching Lifecoachhub Pty Ltd LifeCoachHub
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Where are you coming from?

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development communication, essence, self-reflection, interpersonal communication, patience, acceptance
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I did an exercise a while back with a coach and she asked me to identify the best parts of myself, my essence. In doing so I talked with friends and searched within myself and found five essence words that are the truest nature of who I am.  With this set of words, I am more aware of what my best self is capable of and more aware of when I am responding to the world from one of these places.

Example: Acceptance

For example, one of my essence words is acceptance. When I am in a situation, especially one in which disagreements may arise, I have learned to become aware if I am responding to these situations from a place of acceptance or from somewhere else.

If I recognize that I am coming from a place of fear, insecurity or doubt, I take a step back. In a matter of moments I evaluate my response and change it if necessary. 

When we come from a positive place, a place of essence, we are being our naturally greatest self. From experience, this is both beneficial to ourselves as well as anyone we are interacting with. 

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What are your essence words?

Check in with yourself and identify 3-5 essence words. Are you a leader? loving? patient? nurturing? Next time you find yourself in a situation where you must think before you speak or act, ask yourself, "Where am I coming from?"

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