Article The key to success lies in our mind-set. Being aware of our beliefs can help us create our dream life. 2 2014 Life coaching Law of Attraction coaching life coaching Lifecoachhub Pty Ltd LifeCoachHub
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How to Identify Limiting Beliefs: Our Blocks To Living A Fabulous Life

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development Life Coach, reflection, thoughts, the mind, creating, manifesting story, limiting beliefs, law of attraction, law of attraction coaching

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't — you're right.”
― Henry Ford

How are your Limiting Beliefs holding you back?

The mind is so powerful it can lead us to feel fulfilled and happy, or depressed and anxious. When we understand what drives us, and why we think the thoughts we do, we are empowered to make transformational changes in our life.

  • Do you know what thoughts are holding you back?
  • Have you identified any ongoing goal that you have not achieved, and what story you tell that supports you in not achieving it?
  • What excuses to you make for yourself for the situation you are in?

We can inadvertently hold ourselves back with the thought processes and patterns that we continually run, especially our limiting beliefs. Mostly this is unconscious, and until we uncover these limiting beliefs, we perpetuate the same experiences for ourselves.


How to Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

A great way to identify your limiting beliefs is to look at the areas of your life that are not working, and ask yourself questions. These could look like this:

  • What would I have to be believing to keep manifesting this?
  • Why have I never got enough — love, money, time, friends etc? (whichever is relevant)
  • What am I not accepting in myself about this situation?
  • Who am I blaming?
  • What is the story I tell that supports this situation?

I am more than happy to discuss any of these challenges with you more in depth should you need help exploring in this way.


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  • pitic8
    May 22, 2014

    going through limiting beliefs can be very painful so the majority of people just avoid confronting them.

  • Coach Cat Ross Hamilton
    Cat Ross Hamilton
    May 26, 2014

    Hi PITIC8 - so true, it can be one of the toughest things we can do, and that is why it is so liberating. I find it helpful to remember in challenging times that I am only ever dealing with a thought - a thought that I have given power to though constantly 'thinking it'. I agree, looking at ourselves in such ways can be painful - with or without guidance and support.

    I find that practicing mindfulness is a great way to stay present in the 'now' as it creates a space in our thoughts so we can see them clearer instead of mixed up as with all the other thoughts we are carrying around with us, which can cause overwhelm and the resulting fear of looking deeper at what is holding us back.


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